Commander Toad and the Big Black Hole
By: Jane Yolen
Modern Fantasy and Science Fiction
Commander Toad and his crew is traveling through space when they encounter a “black hole” in the distance. Then as they are all talking, they hear a thump and realize that they are stuck on something. This something turns out to be the giant tongue of an E.T.T., an Extra Terrestrial Toad. They all try to find ways to escape being trapped on the tongue before they are swallowed. Nothing works until Commander Toad sings, and the E.T.T. sings along and on the last note of the song the ship was flung into space and they were freed.
I would have the students write about what would happen if they encountered a black hole in space. I would have them pretend that they were with Commander Toad and ask them what their black hole was. They would have to describe the hole and to think about things such as if anything came out of the hole, if the hole moved, or what happens if you entered the hole.